How to fill out Envelope?
Follow this step by step guide.
Decide if you Want a Deisgn
There are many different designs listed on the envelope or you can see a list here. Please do take into consideration that the price is $10 extra.
Circle the Design (Optional)
Where the designs are listed on the bottom circle the one that you chose.
Check Boxes
Check the boxes that apply to you, the pricing is listed to the side.
Signature, Address, Telephone Number
Put in your informtaion on the space provided to the right of te words on the line. Make sure that you use a black or blue pen or marker so that we can see that it is filled out from the street.
Decide Payment Method
Before you put the flyer outside your door make sure that you have decided how you are going to pay before hand. You can pay through cash, check, and venmo. If you aren’t home you may pay ahead of time using the provided envelope but make sure you leave a note on the envelope so avoid confusion.
Leave Flyer Outside your Door
Make sure you leave the envelope outside your home in a place visible from the street. Make sure it isn’t covered by any trees or furniture. We recommend on your front door or on your garage door.